Can Chiropractic Treat Heartburn?
Consistent chiropractic adjustments work to normalize and reestablish healthy function to the digestive system. This increase in nervous supply can strengthen the gastric muscles and help mitigate heartburn symptoms and decrease frequency.

More than 50 million Americans will experience heartburn at least once a month, and it’s becoming more prevalent due to diet and unhealthy lifestyle factors. This common digestive problem causes chest pain, burning sensations, acidic/sour taste in the mouth, and difficulty/inability to swallow (to name a few).
There are many natural treatments for heartburn symptoms, and getting spinal adjustments is one of them!
What is Heartburn?
Acid reflux is characterized by a flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. This backward flow of stomach acid triggers heartburn. Heartburn is a common digestive problem and form of indigestion that causes discomfort in the upper abdomen (chest). Heartburn is not considered a disease as it usually causes mild symptoms and discomfort in healthy people. But when heartburn becomes progressively worse and more frequent, it can develop into gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD for short).
GERD is a condition that is considered more dangerous than acid reflux and heart disease. Backed up stomach acid or bile in the esophagus can irritate the lining of the esophagus and cause inflammation (esophagitis). This compromises the lining of the esophagus and can trigger complications such as ulcers and narrowing of the esophagus. It also increases the risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma (or Barrett’s Esophagus), a potentially fatal cancer of the esophagus.
Heartburn Signs & Symptoms
- Uncomfortable burning in the chest or upper abdomen
- Acidic/sour taste in the mouth
- Difficulty sleeping
- Difficulty swallowing
- pain/inflammation in the throat
- Increased burping and bloating
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
Heartburn Causes
It can take trial and error to determine what causes heartburn, as there are many factors that can trigger is from person to person.
What we see most often, however, is that there is a huge correlation between heartburn and diet. Food sensitivities and allergies can contribute to heartburn, as well as a poor diet that consists mostly of processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. These foods exasperate indigestion which can lead to heartburn.
Other causes of heartburn can be but are not limited to stress, sedentary lifestyle, inflammation, and obesity
Chiropractic Treatment for Heartburn
Most medical doctors will prescribe an antacid to combat heartburn and heartburn symptoms. Unfortunately, this can worsen your digestive system and cause side effects such as constipation or infection. Additionally, heartburn medications (like most medications) don’t get to the root of the problem. Lifestyle and diet changes are necessary in order to keep heartburn symptoms from coming back.
Chiropractic is a less-conventional but natural treatment for heartburn. We know that when the body is misaligned, this can cause pressure on the stomach and the esophageal region of the body (among many other problems) affecting the nerves, spinal cord, and ultimately the reflexes of the stomach and gastric muscles; All critical for maintaining the function of the digestive system.
Consistent chiropractic adjustments work to normalize and reestablish healthy function to the digestive system as well as increase blood flow. The increase in nerve supply can also strengthen the gastric muscles and improve their overall strength and stability.
If you are interested in knowing more about the benefits of chiropractic care or whether or not it is the right treatment for you, schedule your New Patient Special!

Can Chiropractic Treat Heartburn?
Consistent chiropractic adjustments work to normalize and reestablish healthy function to the digestive system. This increase in nervous supply can strengthen the gastric muscles and help mitigate heartburn symptoms and decrease frequency.

More than 50 million Americans will experience heartburn at least once a month, and it’s becoming more prevalent due to diet and unhealthy lifestyle factors. This common digestive problem causes chest pain, burning sensations, acidic/sour taste in the mouth, and difficulty/inability to swallow (to name a few).
There are many natural treatments for heartburn symptoms, and getting spinal adjustments is one of them!
What is Heartburn?
Acid reflux is characterized by a flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. This backward flow of stomach acid triggers heartburn. Heartburn is a common digestive problem and form of indigestion that causes discomfort in the upper abdomen (chest). Heartburn is not considered a disease as it usually causes mild symptoms and discomfort in healthy people. But when heartburn becomes progressively worse and more frequent, it can develop into gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD for short).
GERD is a condition that is considered more dangerous than acid reflux and heart disease. Backed up stomach acid or bile in the esophagus can irritate the lining of the esophagus and cause inflammation (esophagitis). This compromises the lining of the esophagus and can trigger complications such as ulcers and narrowing of the esophagus. It also increases the risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma (or Barrett’s Esophagus), a potentially fatal cancer of the esophagus.
Heartburn Signs & Symptoms
- Uncomfortable burning in the chest or upper abdomen
- Acidic/sour taste in the mouth
- Difficulty sleeping
- Difficulty swallowing
- pain/inflammation in the throat
- Increased burping and bloating
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
Heartburn Causes
It can take trial and error to determine what causes heartburn, as there are many factors that can trigger is from person to person.
What we see most often, however, is that there is a huge correlation between heartburn and diet. Food sensitivities and allergies can contribute to heartburn, as well as a poor diet that consists mostly of processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. These foods exasperate indigestion which can lead to heartburn.
Other causes of heartburn can be but are not limited to stress, sedentary lifestyle, inflammation, and obesity
Chiropractic Treatment for Heartburn
Most medical doctors will prescribe an antacid to combat heartburn and heartburn symptoms. Unfortunately, this can worsen your digestive system and cause side effects such as constipation or infection. Additionally, heartburn medications (like most medications) don’t get to the root of the problem. Lifestyle and diet changes are necessary in order to keep heartburn symptoms from coming back.
Chiropractic is a less-conventional but natural treatment for heartburn. We know that when the body is misaligned, this can cause pressure on the stomach and the esophageal region of the body (among many other problems) affecting the nerves, spinal cord, and ultimately the reflexes of the stomach and gastric muscles; All critical for maintaining the function of the digestive system.
Consistent chiropractic adjustments work to normalize and reestablish healthy function to the digestive system as well as increase blood flow. The increase in nerve supply can also strengthen the gastric muscles and improve their overall strength and stability.