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The Main Reason a Chiropractor Is Great for Sciatica

The Main Reason a Chiropractor Is Great For Sciatica

The Main Reason a Chiropractor Is Great For Sciatica


The Main Reason a Chiropractor
Is Great for Sciatica

Sciatica pain is an indication of restricted movement or compression of the sciatic nerves. Once the compression is removed via chiropractic adjustment, the surrounding muscles will be able to heal, strengthen and re-stabilize on their own.

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Almost 40% of the Americans, at some point in their life, will suffer from back pain. The chances of musculoskeletal disorders and pain increases as one age and sciatica pain are one of the leading symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Sciatica pain, also called radiating pain, neuralgia or neuropathy, is uncomfortable for some, while debilitating for others.

Sciatica pain is described as sharp, needle-like, similar to dull electric shock. Other symptoms include the feeling of numbness, burning and tingling sensation. The pain isn’t constant, instead, it varies in intensity and frequency and can increase or decrease from day-to-day.

The most common cause of sciatica is thought to be herniated or bulging discs and the resulting compression in nerves causes the nerves and surrounding muscles to become inflamed and swell, leading to pain.

Causes and Symptoms of Sciatica


Typically, sciatica only affects one side of the body, however, sciatica pain may feel different for different people depending on the location of the nerve compression. The most common symptom is radiating pain running down the lower back towards one or both the legs and sometimes into the feet. The feeling is also described as tingly and/or a burning or prickly.

The intensity and extent of pain also vary from person to person depending on the age, gender, and health of the patient. The symptoms of Sciatica include:

Sciatica is generally caused by sciatic nerve compression leading to the inflammation of the lower lumbosacral spine, sensory loss, paralysis of one of the legs or muscles. The reasons may vary from person to person, however, two of the most common causes include Spondylolisthesis and Piriformis syndrome.

A Slipped or herniated disk, known as Spondylolisthesis causes sensory loss, numbness and pain. This happens when the lower vertebra slips forward over another. Piriformis syndrome, on the other hand, leads to sciatica pain because of nerve compression. The Piriformis muscle is located in the lower part of the spine near the thighbone and aid in hip rotation. The sciatic nerve runs beneath the Piriformis muscle and is susceptible to fall or other trauma resulting in injury and irritation.

Other reasons leading to sciatic pain include narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back called spinal stenosis; the degeneration of the disc that cushion the vertebrae. Additionally, conditions like diabetes, pregnancy, obesity, and wearing high heels may add a severe strain on the spine causing inflammation and sciatica symptoms.

How to Know if You Have Sciatica


There are conditions that have symptoms similar to sciatic pain, therefore, the first step is proper diagnosis. The chiropractor also takes into consideration your medical history to get an understanding of the problem, it’s causes and possible solutions.

For proper diagnosis, you may be asked to get a CT Scan, an MRI, or an x-ray. Besides these, the chiropractor may also conduct a physical and neurological exam. The tests are helpful in detecting where the actual problem is and the exact nature of it. Once there is a proper diagnosis, the chiropractor is able to devise a plan for the treatment.

Why a Chiropractor is Great for Sciatica Pain


Conservative treatment for treating sciatic pain or any other pain is usually pain medication, however, non-invasive methods like physiotherapy and chiropractic care have proven to be effective for pain treatment. Chiropractors use spinal manipulations for treating sciatica pain.

Spinal manipulations (subluxations) is the technique that differentiates chiropractic care from other forms of physical therapy. Chiropractors learn various techniques for applying swift high-velocity thrusts which combine minimal force with gentle pressure to manipulate vertebra, and joints back into their original position.

The adjustment and manipulation are meant to re-align the spine to take off the pressure of the sciatic nerve to relieve pain and allow the body to heal on it own. Once the joint/vertebra is back into its position, the inflammation decreases and the healing process begins.  

According to chiropractors, Sciatica pain is an indication of restricted movement or compression of the sciatic nerves. They believe that once the compression is removed via chiropractic adjustment, the surrounding muscles will be able to heal, strengthen and re-stabilize on their own. A spinal adjustment is meant to free the restricted movement of the spine in order to reduce irritability and inflammation.

They also help restore the misaligned vertebra to their proper position to reduce pain, spasms, and numbness. The adjustments are usually gentle and have proven to be a safe and effective method for re-stabilizing the spine. In a nutshell, a chiropractor’s goal is to help your body heal itself with non-invasive, drug-free treatment using manipulations and adjustments of the spine. 

A holistic approach to treatment


Chiropractic care has a holistic approach to the treatment and a chiropractor will help your muscles get back to their original position and heal on their own. The treatment is meant to fix the pain as well as the underlying reason leading to pain. The usual treatment plan may look different for different people and there are different types of therapies that are applied based on the nature and causes of the problem.

Treatment for sciatica consists of nonsurgical methods including as heat/cold therapy and pain medications, however, chiropractic care goes one step further and a chiropractor will not only treat the problem at hand but also help treat the issue so the problem doesn’t return – re-aligning the spine.

Heat/Cold Therapy & Ultrasound Therapy


Both of these therapies are useful for reducing inflammation and pain. Ultrasound therapy penetrates the soft tissue and helps reduce cramping, inflammation and swelling and stiffness in the muscles. The ultrasound produces gentle heat waves that have been used by professionals to treat a wide range of issues including sciatica pain, neck and back pain, muscle strain and other injuries. The waves increase the blood circulation, reduce stiffness, increase your mobility, trigger the body’s natural healing response.

The chiropractic adjustment helps restore the range of motion in the body and spine. The treatment’s goal is to reduce inflammation by relieving pressure on the nerves and the surrounding tissues. Once the pressure is relieved, the body is able to start the healing process leading to stabilizing the muscles and surrounding tissue and strengthening the spine.

 FAQ’s About Sciatica


Is chiropractic care effective for all kinds of sciatic pain? We have already established that chiropractic care is beneficial for treating sciatica pain, however, like all treatments, it has its limitations. These limitations usually are a result of the nature of the problem. Therefore, it can be said that, while chiropractic care is an effective treatment option for sciatica pain, there can be times when the problem is beyond the scope of chiropractic care. In such a case, the chiropractor usually refers the patient to another medical professional and may continue treating the patient in conjunction with the other specialist.

Should I avoid exercise if I have sciatic pain? This is one of the most commonly asked questions, and the answer is no. It is a common misconception that exercise or working out will aggravate the pain or inflammation, however, it is misguided. It is true that most patients are recommended bed rest after the initial flare-up since resting will definitely ease the pain, especially if the flare-up is a result of a fall or injury. However, in the long run, avoiding physical activity and exercise will lead to increased pain and inflammation due to inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Another important point I’d like to mention here is that exercise and physical activity have proven to alleviate pain in patients suffering from chronic pain and if you have sciatica pain, light exercise can help ease your pain and decrease inflammation. Besides this, lack of exercise can cause the back muscles to weaken even more. Exercise also keeps your spinal vertebra and surrounding disc active and healthy, therefore allowing the body to bounce back to normal quickly. Similarly, being physically active will keep your leg muscles and hamstrings flexible, whereas, tight hamstrings add stress to legs and lower back.

You will find that most chiropractors will recommend light exercise in any program they formulate and you should continue exercise routine even after your sciatica pain is treated. Though, keep in mind that before beginning any exercise program you should consult your chiropractor or primary health professional and ask if the exercise you are considering won’t hurt your back or spine.

Concluding Thoughts


Chiropractic care is a great resource for those suffering from sciatica pain. Not only does the treatment offers non-invasive treatment option, but also helps stabilize the spine muscles and bones to aid the body to heal on its own.

Many patients recover from an episode of sciatica within a few weeks, while others may need more time to heal. Whatever the nature and cause of the issue are, here at Well-health and chiropractic, we provide you with complete chiropractic care solutions along with having a holistic approach to treatment and pain relief to help you avoid long-term pain and promote natural healing!

If you are interested in knowing more about the benefits of chiropractic care or whether or not it is the right treatment for you, schedule your New Patient Special!


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The Main Reason a Chiropractor Is Great for Sciatica

Sciatica pain is an indication of restricted movement or compression of the sciatic nerves. Once the compression is removed via chiropractic adjustment, the surrounding muscles will be able to heal, strengthen and re-stabilize on their own.

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Almost 40% of the Americans, at some point in their life, will suffer from back pain. The chances of musculoskeletal disorders and pain increases as one age and sciatica pain are one of the leading symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Sciatica pain, also called radiating pain, neuralgia or neuropathy, is uncomfortable for some, while debilitating for others.

Sciatica pain is described as sharp, needle-like, similar to dull electric shock. Other symptoms include the feeling of numbness, burning and tingling sensation. The pain isn’t constant, instead, it varies in intensity and frequency and can increase or decrease from day-to-day.

The most common cause of sciatica is thought to be herniated or bulging discs and the resulting compression in nerves causes the nerves and surrounding muscles to become inflamed and swell, leading to pain.

Causes and Symptoms of Sciatica


Typically, sciatica only affects one side of the body, however, sciatica pain may feel different for different people depending on the location of the nerve compression. The most common symptom is radiating pain running down the lower back towards one or both the legs and sometimes into the feet. The feeling is also described as tingly and/or a burning or prickly.

The intensity and extent of pain also vary from person to person depending on the age, gender, and health of the patient. The symptoms of Sciatica include:

Sciatica is generally caused by sciatic nerve compression leading to the inflammation of the lower lumbosacral spine, sensory loss, paralysis of one of the legs or muscles. The reasons may vary from person to person, however, two of the most common causes include Spondylolisthesis and Piriformis syndrome.

A Slipped or herniated disk, known as Spondylolisthesis causes sensory loss, numbness and pain. This happens when the lower vertebra slips forward over another. Piriformis syndrome, on the other hand, leads to sciatica pain because of nerve compression. The Piriformis muscle is located in the lower part of the spine near the thighbone and aid in hip rotation. The sciatic nerve runs beneath the Piriformis muscle and is susceptible to fall or other trauma resulting in injury and irritation.

Other reasons leading to sciatic pain include narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back called spinal stenosis; the degeneration of the disc that cushion the vertebrae. Additionally, conditions like diabetes, pregnancy, obesity, and wearing high heels may add a severe strain on the spine causing inflammation and sciatica symptoms.

How to Know if You Have Sciatica


There are conditions that have symptoms similar to sciatic pain, therefore, the first step is proper diagnosis. The chiropractor also takes into consideration your medical history to get an understanding of the problem, it’s causes and possible solutions.

For proper diagnosis, you may be asked to get a CT Scan, an MRI, or an x-ray. Besides these, the chiropractor may also conduct a physical and neurological exam. The tests are helpful in detecting where the actual problem is and the exact nature of it. Once there is a proper diagnosis, the chiropractor is able to devise a plan for the treatment.

Why a Chiropractor is Great for Sciatica Pain


Conservative treatment for treating sciatic pain or any other pain is usually pain medication, however, non-invasive methods like physiotherapy and chiropractic care have proven to be effective for pain treatment. Chiropractors use spinal manipulations for treating sciatica pain.

Spinal manipulations (subluxations) is the technique that differentiates chiropractic care from other forms of physical therapy. Chiropractors learn various techniques for applying swift high-velocity thrusts which combine minimal force with gentle pressure to manipulate vertebra, and joints back into their original position.

The adjustment and manipulation are meant to re-align the spine to take off the pressure of the sciatic nerve to relieve pain and allow the body to heal on it own. Once the joint/vertebra is back into its position, the inflammation decreases and the healing process begins.  

According to chiropractors, Sciatica pain is an indication of restricted movement or compression of the sciatic nerves. They believe that once the compression is removed via chiropractic adjustment, the surrounding muscles will be able to heal, strengthen and re-stabilize on their own. A spinal adjustment is meant to free the restricted movement of the spine in order to reduce irritability and inflammation.

They also help restore the misaligned vertebra to their proper position to reduce pain, spasms, and numbness. The adjustments are usually gentle and have proven to be a safe and effective method for re-stabilizing the spine. In a nutshell, a chiropractor’s goal is to help your body heal itself with non-invasive, drug-free treatment using manipulations and adjustments of the spine. 

A holistic approach to treatment


Chiropractic care has a holistic approach to the treatment and a chiropractor will help your muscles get back to their original position and heal on their own. The treatment is meant to fix the pain as well as the underlying reason leading to pain. The usual treatment plan may look different for different people and there are different types of therapies that are applied based on the nature and causes of the problem.

Treatment for sciatica consists of nonsurgical methods including as heat/cold therapy and pain medications, however, chiropractic care goes one step further and a chiropractor will not only treat the problem at hand but also help treat the issue so the problem doesn’t return – re-aligning the spine.

Heat/Cold Therapy & Ultrasound Therapy


Both of these therapies are useful for reducing inflammation and pain. Ultrasound therapy penetrates the soft tissue and helps reduce cramping, inflammation and swelling and stiffness in the muscles. The ultrasound produces gentle heat waves that have been used by professionals to treat a wide range of issues including sciatica pain, neck and back pain, muscle strain and other injuries. The waves increase the blood circulation, reduce stiffness, increase your mobility, trigger the body’s natural healing response.

The chiropractic adjustment helps restore the range of motion in the body and spine. The treatment’s goal is to reduce inflammation by relieving pressure on the nerves and the surrounding tissues. Once the pressure is relieved, the body is able to start the healing process leading to stabilizing the muscles and surrounding tissue and strengthening the spine.

 FAQ’s About Sciatica


Is chiropractic care effective for all kinds of sciatic pain? We have already established that chiropractic care is beneficial for treating sciatica pain, however, like all treatments, it has its limitations. These limitations usually are a result of the nature of the problem. Therefore, it can be said that, while chiropractic care is an effective treatment option for sciatica pain, there can be times when the problem is beyond the scope of chiropractic care. In such a case, the chiropractor usually refers the patient to another medical professional and may continue treating the patient in conjunction with the other specialist.

Should I avoid exercise if I have sciatic pain? This is one of the most commonly asked questions, and the answer is no. It is a common misconception that exercise or working out will aggravate the pain or inflammation, however, it is misguided. It is true that most patients are recommended bed rest after the initial flare-up since resting will definitely ease the pain, especially if the flare-up is a result of a fall or injury. However, in the long run, avoiding physical activity and exercise will lead to increased pain and inflammation due to inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Another important point I’d like to mention here is that exercise and physical activity have proven to alleviate pain in patients suffering from chronic pain and if you have sciatica pain, light exercise can help ease your pain and decrease inflammation. Besides this, lack of exercise can cause the back muscles to weaken even more. Exercise also keeps your spinal vertebra and surrounding disc active and healthy, therefore allowing the body to bounce back to normal quickly. Similarly, being physically active will keep your leg muscles and hamstrings flexible, whereas, tight hamstrings add stress to legs and lower back.

You will find that most chiropractors will recommend light exercise in any program they formulate and you should continue exercise routine even after your sciatica pain is treated. Though, keep in mind that before beginning any exercise program you should consult your chiropractor or primary health professional and ask if the exercise you are considering won’t hurt your back or spine.

Concluding Thoughts


Chiropractic care is a great resource for those suffering from sciatica pain. Not only does the treatment offers non-invasive treatment option, but also helps stabilize the spine muscles and bones to aid the body to heal on its own.

Many patients recover from an episode of sciatica within a few weeks, while others may need more time to heal. Whatever the nature and cause of the issue are, here at Well-health and chiropractic, we provide you with complete chiropractic care solutions along with having a holistic approach to treatment and pain relief to help you avoid long-term pain and promote natural healing!

New Patient Special

Interested in knowing more about the benefits of chiropractic care? Schedule your New Patient Special!



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